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Full House Forever is now easier to use on mobile devices

Added: April 19, 2015

An increasing number of people visits Full House Forever with a mobile device. Unfortunately, the website was not optimized for mobile use and it always showed the same layout, which meant people visiting with their mobile phone, had to scroll horizontally a lot.

Today I have released a new version of the website (FHF 8.2) that solves this problem. The website is now responsive, which means that if you visit with a device with a screen width of 640 pixels or lower, the site will be shown in one column. To optimize the mobile experience, I also made some changes to the desktop version of the website.

In short, the changes are:

  • The website is now responsive, on devices with a width of 640 pixels or less, the website loads in one single column;
  • The menu had been moved to the right side of the screen on the desktop version, to make sure the menu is shown below the other content on the mobile version of the website;
  • On the mobile version, there's a link to the home page and the menu in the header of the website. This should make it easier to navigate on pages with a lot of scrolling down;
  • The social media buttons have been moved to the header of the website;
  • The social media share buttons are now on the same location on every page: below the page title and on the bottom of the screen.
Testing the new layout has been done by randomly visiting some pages. It is possible that some pages are not shown correctly, for instance because there's still some horizontal scrolling. If you come across such a page, please let me know by email or on the Full House forum.

Updates have been kind of slow the last couple of months, but don't worry, I'm still maintaining the website, but I have to divide my spare time between too many hobbies. One of those is writing and currently I'm working on some (none Full House related) short stories and I also try to finish writing a book one day.

I do however have a pretty long to do list for the website, regarding content as well as the layout. Of course the current layout might be slightly altered as well, to improve the Full House Forever experience. So you can definitely expect more updates this year.